Table of Contents

Native Functions

This article describes how to use the low-level features provided by SharpHook.

SharpHook exposes the functions of libuiohook in the SharpHook.Native.UioHook class. The SharpHook.Native namespace also contains types which represent the data used by libuiohook.

In general, you don't need to use the native methods directly. Instead, use the higher-level interfaces and classes provided by SharpHook. However, you should still read this article to know how the high-level features work under the hood.

Working with the Hook Itself

UioHook contains the following methods for working with the global hook:

  • SetDispatchProc - sets the function which will be called when an event is raised by libuiohook.
  • Run - creates a keyboard and mouse global hook and runs it on the current thread, blocking it until Stop is called.
  • RunKeyboard - creates a keyboard-only global hook and runs it on the current thread, blocking it until Stop is called.
  • RunMouse - creates a mouse-only global hook and runs it on the current thread, blocking it until Stop is called.
  • Stop - destroys the global hook.

You have to remember that only one global hook can exist at a time since calling SetDispatchProc will override the previously set one. Also, running a global hook when another global hook is already running will corrupt the internal global state of libuiohook.

SetDispatchProc accepts a delegate of type SharpHook.Native.DispatchProc. This delegate in turn accepts a SharpHook.Native.UioHookEvent by reference, and returns nothing. You can pass null to SetDispatchProc in order to unset the callback function.

Run and Stop return a UioHookResult which specifies whether the result of the method was successful (UioHookResult.Success) or not (any other value).

The methods described above are also defined in the SharpHook.Providers.IGlobalHookProvider interface.

macOS has constraints on how the global hook can be used. More info can be found in the article on OS-specific constraints.

Input Events

The SharpHook.Native.UioHookEvent struct contains information about events that have occured.

There are several event types supported by libuiohook (contained in the event's Type field and defined in the SharpHook.Native.EventType enum).

Following are the general-purpose events:

  • HookEnabled - raised when the Run method is called.
  • HookDisabled - raised when the Stop method is called.

Following are the keyboard events, and UioHookEvent will contain more infomration in its Keyboard field:

  • KeyPressed - raised when a key is pressed.
  • KeyReleased - raised when a key is released.
  • KeyTyped - raised when a character is typed using the keyboard.

Following are the mouse events, and UioHookEvent will contain more infomration in its Mouse field:

  • MouseClicked - raised when a mouse button is clicked.
  • MousePressed - raised when a mouse button is pressed.
  • MouseReleased - raised when a mouse button is released.
  • MouseMoved - raised when the mouse cursor is moved.
  • MouseDragged - raised when the mouse cursor is dragged.

And the last one is also a mouse event, but UioHookEvent will contain more information in its Wheel field since it has more information:

  • MouseWheel - raised when the mouse wheel is scrolled.

EventType defines three more types, but they are used only when simulating events.

UioHookEvent also contains the Time field which is the event's UNIX timestamp.

UioHookEvent also contains the Mask field which contains the state of keyboard modifiers and the mouse state at the time of the event. Note that when running a keyboard-only global hook, Mask will not contain any mouse state; conversely, when running a mouse-only global hook, Mask will not contain the state of keyboard modifiers.

Lastly, UioHookEvent contains the Reserved field which is contains various bit flags. Currently two flags are supported:

  • Suppressing event propagation (bit 0). If it's set in the event handler then libuiohook will not propagate the event further and it will effectively be blocked. This bit should be set synchronously i.e. on the same thread which handles the event. Supressing events works only on Windows and macOS.

  • Distinguishing real events from simulated events (bit 1). If this bit is set, then the event is simulated. Otherwise, the event is real.


KeyTyped and MouseClicked events are not raised by the OS, but by libuiohook itself. KeyTyped is raised after KeyPressed if the key press has caused characters to be typed. Since a single key press can cause multiple characters to be typed, a single KeyPressed event can raise multiple KeyTyped events. MouseClicked is raised after MouseReleased if the cursor was not dragged. Since these events are raised by libuiohook, and not the OS, suppressing them has no effect.

Simulating Input Events

UioHook contains the PostEvent method for simulating input events. It accepts a UioHookEvent, but it doesn't need all its fields. Only Type and Keyboard/Mouse/Wheel should be present.

PostEvent returns UioHookResult to indicate whether it was successful or not.

This method is also defined in the SharpHook.Providers.IEventSimulationProvider interface.

The following table describes the specifics of simulating each event type.

Event type Description
HookEnabled Events of this type are ignored.
HookDisabled Events of this type are ignored.
KeyPressed Only KeyboardEventData.KeyCode is considered.
KeyReleased Only KeyboardEventData.KeyCode is considered.
KeyTyped Events of this type are ignored. The next section describes text entry simulation.
MousePressed Only MouseWheelEventData.X, MouseWheelEventData.Y, and MouseEventData.Button are considered.
MousePressedIgnoreCoordinates Only MouseEventData.Button is considered.
MouseReleased Only MouseWheelEventData.X, MouseWheelEventData.Y, and MouseEventData.Button are considered.
MouseReleasedIgnoreCoordinates Only MouseEventData.Button is considered.
MouseClicked Events of this type are ignored.
MouseMoved Only MouseEventData.X and MouseEventData.Y are considered.
MouseMovedRelativeToCursor Only MouseEventData.X and MouseEventData.Y are considered.
MouseDragged Not recommended to use; same as MouseMoved.
MouseWheel Only MouseWheelEventData.Rotation, MouseWheelEventData.Direction, and MouseWheelEventData.Type are considered.

Mouse wheel simulation is a little more complex than other events.

A positive MouseWheelEventData.Rotation value indicates that the wheel will be rotated up or left, and a negative value indicates that the wheel will be rotated down or right.

On Windows the value 120 represents the default wheel step. As such, multiples of 120 can be used as the rotation value, but it's not required. The value of MouseWheelEventData.Type is ignored.

On macOS it's recommended to use values between -10 and 10. This will result in quite a small scroll amount with pixel scrolling, so MouseWheelScrollType.BlockScroll is recommended for line scrolling instead of pixel scrolling.

On Linux there is no fixed recommendation, but multiples of 100 can be used. The value of MouseWheelEventData.Type is ignored.

Simulating Text Entry

SharpHook also provides text entry simulation. UioHook contains the PostText method which accepts a string. The text to simulate doesn't depend on the current keyboard layout. The full range of UTF-16 (including surrogate pairs, e.g. emojis) is supported.

Text entry simulation may not work well on Linux. More info can be found in the article on OS-specific constraints.

The methods described above are also defined in the SharpHook.Providers.IEventSimulationProvider interface.


libuiohook can log messages throughout its execution. By default it doesn't log anything, but UioHook contains the SetLoggerProc method to set the log callback function - it will be called by libuiohook to log messages.

This method is also defined in the SharpHook.Providers.ILoggingProvider interface.

SetLoggerProc accepts a delegate of type SharpHook.Native.LoggerProc. This delegate in turn accepts a log level, the message format (as a pointer) and arguments (also as a pointer).

You can read more about how to use the SetLoggerProc method in the article about logging, though it's not recommended to use it directly.

Passing Custom Data to Callbacks

SetDispatchProc and SetLoggerProc also receive a pointer to user-supplied data. It is then passed to the callbacks - both DispatcherProc and LoggerProc receive user-supplied data as well.

Do not use them.

You should always pass IntPtr.Zero to SetDispatchProc and SetLoggerProc and not use the respective parameters in the callbacks.

The reason is that in order to use pointers to managed objects, they have to be pinned. As these callbacks tend to be long-lived (probably as long as the program itself), the objects will have to be pinned for a long time as well, and that's detrimental to the performance of the garbage collector and the memory layout of the program.

If you need to pass custom data to the callbacks then simply use closures. This feature was created with the C language in mind, and C doesn't have closures.

Other Functions

libuiohook also provides functions which get various pieces of information about the system, and are listed below:

  • CreateScreenInfo
  • GetAutoRepeatRate
  • GetAutoRepeatDelay
  • GetPointerAccelerationMultiplier
  • GetPointerAccelerationThreshold
  • GetPointerSensitivity
  • GetMultiClickTime

These functions are quite straightforward, except for CreateScreenInfo. UioHook defines two versions of this function. One is a native function which returns an unmanaged array of ScreenData objects (as an IntPtr) along with its length in an output parameter. Another is a wrapper which returns a managed array. Use the second one if you need it since it's safer. If you decide to use the native version then you must free the returned memory manually.

The safe version of CreateScreenInfo is also defined in the SharpHook.Providers.IScreenInfoProvider interface. Other methods described above are also defined in the SharpHook.Providers.IMouseInfoProvider interface.

Low-Level Functionality Providers

If you want to use the low-level functionality, you don't need to use the UioHook class directly. Instead you can use interfaces in the SharpHook.Providers namespace. The methods in those interfaces are the same as in the UioHook class. SharpHook.Providers.UioHookProvider implements all of these interfaces and simply calls the corresponding methods in UioHook. This should be done to decouple your code from UioHook and make testing easier.